Noisy Drain !


Fish Fanatic
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Solihull, UK
I got this kind of setup on the back of my tank. (22mm marley pipe)


The only bit I dont have is the turned down elbow - no room inside the box to add one.

Anyhow, the problem I got is without a cap on the top pipe it sucks air down from the pipe and drags it to the sump and its winding the wife up.

With a cap (without a hole) it is quiet but dont start when the power cuts and comes back on - air lock I guess.

Any ideas ?
Why did you make a box too small to house the elbow?
Without the elbow you are surely not going to have a submerged inlet? This will add to noise.

Just drill a hole into the end cap. Then put some airline in and attach a valve to the end of it so that you can adjust the amount of air that can get in/out. this shoudl allow you to "tune" the drain to get it right.

Also consider submerging the end of the drain pipe, it's not possible in wet/dry trickle towers, but it will lower noise when used.
its a 180L tank - the box was kept small to stop it taking up too much room.

I tried the drill a hole and valve thing,

1, with the valve shut the display will just fill up.
2, if i open valve the drain starts but gulps air
3, once the drain is started if I shut valve, it stops gulping air and drains ok. (but wont start again in a power cut)

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