Noisy Bio-wheel Filter


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I have two marineland bio-wheel filter 200. One of them is very quiet, while the other is rather noisy. I thought the noise was coming from the bubbles created at the surface by the airstone, but upon closer examination I realized it was actauly the filter. The noise is kind of like swooshing noise, as if there are air bubbles and water causing it, it does not sound like a motorized noise. I swapped the intake tubes, as well as the little round piece that fits in the whell to see if it was maybe one of the filter components, but the noise continues. It seems to be coming from the well area, where the water is contained.

Any ideas?
Have you taken the filter off the tank, removed the motor from the filter and then cleaned both the impeller and the impeller well?
I was thinking about doing that but I didn't know how to care for the biowheel while it's not in the filter, and I dont know where the motor is. As you know, the filter has a lot of the bacateria and I fear that I might do something to kill off much of the bacteria that lives on this wheel. Water springles on the filter and I wasn't sure if I could simply float it in the tank or not since it should not be submerged.

I did remove the impeller and I tried cleaning down inside the well with a toothbrush, but I did not take the filter off and do a thorough cleaning Id say. I also am not sure how to remove the motor, or where it is for that matter.

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