Noisey Filter Powerhead


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Surrey, UK

Has anyone else experienced a noisy power head on their jewellery aquarium?

Mine makes a loud rattling noise.

I have checked for an air pocket but all seems okay so not sure whether it's faulty or not.

Pressure is awesome so it's fine there. Does anyone have any ideas?
Have you taken the pump out and checked the impeller?
Yeah all seems fine I have discovered that the power head is silent in the water on it own just really noisy when in the Filter. Will have to check what is being rattled.....
Update. Everything is now running as it should be.

Couple of pointers for the newer design on Juwel powerheads. There are three rubber grommets on the diamond shaped pump housing, these must all be pushed into the dividing filter wall. Sounds obvious, but this is not so straight forward if you attached the pump to the filter while still in the water. It really takes some force and wiggling(technical term!).

I found it easier to do this with both the pump and filter dividing wall out of the tank so that you can see that the pump is completely pressed in.

However! The pump still made a horrendous vibrating noise even with everything connected up again.

I took the pump back to the LFS and swapped it for a newer design(?). I previously had 1500lph two piece pump (black pump and white housing with a diamond shape inlet). It was replaced with a dark grey one piece unit which I had not seen before.

Anyway set this one in place and all is now well. Pump and heater are now on and AquaSafe is in so let cycling commence! :hyper:

Hope this helps out if anyone else has issues with their new Juwel's :good:

Will add some pics of progress to my album in the pics section


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