Noisey Exteral Filter After Cleaning


New Member
Aug 7, 2007
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i have a CF-1200 Aqua-ONe exral filter on my enhiem 200L tank, up to now its been fine occasionally it has made a gushing noise and release bubbles in to the tank when first starting after a clean . Obviously flushing the air bubbles to of the tubes etc. Occasionally it would do this randomly during the day , but not very often.

After cleaning this weekend it is now making gushing and bubbles sounds every 10 minutes as if there was an air leak in to the system somewhere... i have reconnected all the tubes and checked for water leaks but found none.... has anyone had this issue before with Aqua-one CF-1200 or similar. I know they are budget and some of their components are a little cheaply made but i am wondering if there something has broken?

try using vasoline on the gasket to help seal it as they commonly give a leak.
i had the same thing with my aqua Vital canister (im sure Aqua Vital / one / vista are all the same co with diff brand names. i opened the canister the 1st time as it was blowing a few air bublbles and made sure the rubber seals were all sat snugly when i put it back together it grumbles a little and spa some bubbles for a while till i gave the canister a little shake, it had one last splutter and nothing since then (well till my male krib kept knocking the airstone till it sat under the inlet of the filter valve in the tank forching air bubbles into it.)

i think the shake got any trapped air in the canister free but cant say thats exactly correcct but it wokrked for me.

Thaks to you both i will give it a go and post the results :good:
also, and I only discovered this recently:

After cleaning my Fluval 105 had also started making gushing sounds/releasing air bubbles.

I tried shaking it, leaning it etc, to no avail.

Then I noticed that the return from the filter was direct too much in the direction of the inlet, so that the clean water (which cascades in) was carrying air bubbles up through the water colum into the inlet....

May help to rotate the output slightly.
Ok SO update onty the Aqua bubble issue... i basically left the ting sw along for 2 days and it sorted itssleff out... i guess it mst have either bloasked the air leack or just eventualy released all the trapped air.. oih well ill see what happens next time i clean it...

Cheers all

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