Nocturnal Ottos


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
When first got my 4 ottos they would swim about the tank during the day, but mostly rest on the plants or bottom of the tank and just hang out. When I would put cucumbers in they would eat them through the day. that lasted for maybe a month and a half. Now all four ottos are completely nocturnal. Very occasionaly I will see one hiding inside a crack in my drift wood. I actually thought they were all dead. I went on a search and I found them under a piece of fake driftwood that makes sort of a cave. I did remove a large cave in order to plant more plants and a large piece of driftwood. Maybe they are scared since they have less cover?

Is this normal for ottos to be nocturnal? I do not remember reading anything that said that. I hate having fish in my aquarium that I never see. :angry:

I have a 20 gallon tall with 7 serpae tetra, 4 leopard cories, and 4 ottos. I've never seen the tetras antagonize the ottos.

Could I replace them with an SAE?
There's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly natural for them to hide and not be seen unless the lights are out. We bought a group of 5 almost 2 years ago, and they swam around like maniacs for weeks. We also had them breeding. But once they'd been in the tank a while, they started hiding away. We also had them out eating when we put algae wafers and greens in for them, but now they only come out once the lights are out.

I also have SAE's in my tank, and they can be the same. They're out when they feel like it, but mostly like to sit on the leaves at the back of the tank, watching things but not being seen too much.

Most fish seem to become like this once they've settled. We also have a number of cories, who are the same. Some are out constantly, while others prefer to hide under the wood.

my 4 otos were active during the day for only the first 2 weeks. after that, they've been hiding under my terra cotta terrace. since they're still alive after 2 months, i suppose they've been venturing out at night to eat algae and algae wafers. it's a shame they aren't active when lights are on, though.

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