No Space For Undertank Sump But......


Apr 15, 2007
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South coast uk
Unfortunately I dont have space under the tank to run a sump, being that im suffering with bryopsis I think its time to investigate all other possibilities, having read a few articles there are obviously some very competitive algae/plants that will aid me in getting rid of this green nasty!

The only space I have is behind the tank in a gap thats approx 7"x 30" and unresticted in height, my thoughts are that I could use this to put in some biological filtration and divide it into chambers one with culerpa and one with LR rubble however im unsure firstly if this would create enough space/volume for this type of system to be effective and secondly the best order to put things in or indeed if it makes any difference, and lastly which are the most common/effective filtration media to use in this setup.

all advice would be welcom on this subject.
there would be nothing commercially made to those dimensions, though there are smaller tanks (volume-wise) that will fit in the space.. though how effective they will be to hold enough media or algae I don't know.

If you really want to explore this, you can have a tank custom made to say 7"deep, 20 to 24"long and whatever high. this would be a decent size and allow for chambers to house bioballs and filter floss seperate from any beneficial algae and then still have room for a return pump... just an idea, though I'm not sure on the feasability.

hopefully some others will have some ideas :good:
that was always my idea to have the tank custom made as best size I can find is 24"x8"x8" which at a real tight squeeze may be possible, but not even gonna entertain the idea if the benefits are only going to be minor.
Sure you can't find any HOB refugiums that would fit there? I've never really done an exhaustive search, but I'm pretty sure you can find one that's less than 8" front to back. Would seem like that would be exactly what you're looking for without all the monkeying around
the problem is that the shorter the front to back measurement the smaller the length so, unfortunately its likely to be a custom made so that I can get the length.

Once I have the tank its knowing what is the best media combination is?
kind of what I was expecting, but is it worth making seperate chambers to add other filter media?
If you want crystal clear water and don't mind changing/claning pads every week, go for it.

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