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New Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Sloatsburg, NY
Hey all, I have had my tank set up and running for about 4 months now. I started off doing a fishless cycle but for some reason my ammonia levels were not dropping, so I canned the whole fishless thing and started a cycle with 2 zebra danios. Everything is going ok except for the fact that I have no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates. My ph is 7.6 and it is a somewhat planted tank. Not sure what kind of plants though. I know my tank isnt cycled because I have no nitrates so I was wondering if the fact that there are plants in the tank is keeping the ammonia from building up. Also, if that is the case can I add more fish or do I somehow have to cyle the tank. Thanks for your help everyone
Actually, if your fish ahve been in there for four months and nitrIte and ammonia are zero, I would bet your tank is actually cycled. Plants can use nitrAte as food, so your plants are probably using the nitrate produced by your fish. You probably are safe to add a few more fish, just make sure you go slowly. How big of a tank do you have right now?
Im sorry I forgot to mention that before. I only have a 10 gallon but i really hope to upgrade to something bigger
after reading the reply I went out and got 2 glowlight tetras. they are really cool looking and seem to get along fine w/ the danios.
I do have some algae forming and was wondering if there was any pleco or other bottom dweller that stays rather small and will eat up the algae.
First I would recomend making your other fish happy by adding atleast 3 more zebra danios and atleast 3 more tetras, as both are schooling fish and are alot happier when kept in large groups.

I think there are a few smaller bottom dwellers, but i can't think of them at the top of my head.
Thanks for adding that. I was planning on adding some more tetras but I was curious to whether I need to add more of the same tetra or if I could put in maybe 3 cardinal tetras or other type
In one of our 10 gals I have a group of 5 otocinclus and they keep the tank sparkling clean. No algae problems and I think they are nice to look at too. :)

Good luck.

-- itZme

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