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Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2004
Reaction score
Castleford, UK
Which fish should never be put in with Bettas if any because I'm wanting to have a couple of female Bettas and then a few different types of other fish in with them.
Any aggressive fish, or ones with long flowing fins that the betta could mistake for other betta. I have an african dwarf frog in with one of mine and they do great together except for the occasional fight for the bloodworms! :crazy: And the plus with that is that AFD don't need airation either, but a filter is a good thing with them both my 2.5. The frog is kinda messy. :-(
AlexsDaddy said:
Any aggressive fish, or ones with long flowing fins that the betta could mistake for other betta. I have an african dwarf frog in with one of mine and they do great together except for the occasional fight for the bloodworms! :crazy: And the plus with that is that AFD don't need airation either, but a filter is a good thing with them both my 2.5. The frog is kinda messy. :-(
What he said :nod:
FEAMLE bettas are usually okay with others, but still depends on you. I got 6 feamle bettas ina 15g with 3 guppies and 3 cory cats and they're good.

it's the MALES that you have be wary of :)
Well I've put a list of fish in there now and they all seem pretty content apart from Kasteen who looks a little sad and Ciaphas keeps staring at me as if to say I want my own place back apart from that though all is good. :kana:

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