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Apr 24, 2004
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a couple of weeks ago, while picking up my boyfriend in Quebec, we stopped at this pet store, Aqua Tropicale. this is a really good store, and if i didn't live an hour and a half away i'd be in there 24/7 buying fish tanks and ogling all the beautiful, well cared for stock.

so, my dad's getting plants, i'm looking for Rams with Robb. all these fish are fine and dandy, and after not finding the Rams i go to ogle the Bettas. hmm, the shelves of normals in full cups of water look a bit droopy and sad. the Crowntails on the little round table looked fine, and then i turn.

right in front of the wall-built shark tank (which was holding a very ugly looking fish) are tiny jars with huge white caps. an inch of water in them, tons of bubbles (nests! couldn't believe it) and the fish are flaring at each other.

they are GORGEOUS. Crowntails, 'hybrids', Doubletails, even a Halfmoon. must've been $150 worth of stockfish, more if they were pure breeder fish. AND THEY WERE SEALED IN!

to top it all off at the cash there was on of those decorative Betta tanks, the weird shaped ones, with an inch of water and a steel Betta that couldn't move if he tried. "FISH CRUELTY," i said. "Well, you could leave him there and let him die and he'd be the best pet for ya," my dad says, joking and referring to my way of killing Bettas. a lady who was paying looks at the fish, and Robb says to me, "I think you scared the lady."

she had wide, wide eyes and she asked the cashier something in French.

i swear, people who jar Bettas in inhumane conditions should be shot.
Poor fish! I don't know about shot, but they should at least be stuffed in a tiny cube where they couldn't move with little oxygen and have to sit in their own feces ... is that cruel?! :/
Was that at Aqua Tropicale? I dislike that chain of stores.

Aquarius is MUCH MUCH better. All of the bettas at tropicale, for all they came from Singapore, are kept in crappy conditions... at least at the one I went to.

While Steel argues he is a very beautiful betta, he was treated in a very poor poor manner.

Which one did you go to? The one by Jean Talon sucked. (East end of Town)... can't speak for the others though.

My favorite so far is Nature. I got my Opaque from Nature.
poop you guys are so lucky to have so many chains of stores to chose from, all i have here are petsmart, petco and walmart, walmart - but even they dont keep betta's in those poor containers..
Tekknocolor- no, not if they've forced Bettas to do so!

Betta_lova- i couldn't! our 50 seems to be permanently infected with a Betta-attacking fungus, and i've only got my one 2g for Draconis.

BeccaBlain- i have no clue what part of wherever it was was, but i've always like AT for fish stuff. the one on the South Shore sucks now, so i switched to Safari, but they take Betta-care even worse. the AT i went to is usually very good, and apparently right nearby a mass fish-breeder (says my LPS, they buy from the Hagen place nearby, and i assume AT does too) Nature lost my vote after they didn't have any sort of fish we wanted when i was 11-ish. we ended up with the standard Neon-and-Cory setup rather than something interesting like i wanted.

Slurpie- i only have my LPS here (they rarely have Bettas, if they do they're kept in community tanks and often nipped or ill, and they recently started selling Betta-vases -gasphorror) a Wal-Mart 40 minutes away, and another pet store 20 minutes away where i got Drac.
ahh you should of at least saved one little guy.the fungas will go away eventually withh good car and some salt and bettamax.
mm, it's a bit more difficult than that. we have a full 50g with several other fish and inverts- strike a few meds right there. we have carbon int he filter than can't be removed- another strike on just about every med. we have catfish- no salt.

this fungus came into our tanks with about 4 African Dwarf Frogs in January. since, it's killed a dozen frogs and six Bettas. it was moved into my ten and ended up killing another three. i don't want to risk killing anymore; that's why i scrapped my ten gallon totally, refuse to but Bettas in the 50, and spent 70 dollars just to get Draconis a nice home away from it.

otherwise, i would've thieved my dads Mastercard out of his back pocket and bought the lot of them.
ok sorry didnt mean to turn you upside down and shake. i didnt know you have problems in the past but when you have money i recomend some aqauriums salt. only 1.96 for like a pound of it, and some bettamax if you can find some.
salt with catfish is a bad idea. i do believe they're scaleless, and hence salt would eat them up and kill even more fish.

carbon eats medications up.

hence, no way to get rid of the fungus unless i feel like tearing apart a filter or murdering 11 more fish.

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