no nitrites


New Member
Nov 4, 2003
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Hi. Thanks in advance for your advice. I'm a new fish hobbyist and I'm having some trouble. I set up a new tank 12 days ago, starting with only 4 fish. The ammonia level is up to 2.0 but no nitrites have developed yet. It registeres at ZERO. Based on what I've read, the nitrite level should be high, and killing the ammonia but it's not. What do I do? I had to do a partial water change last night because my dwarf gouramies are dying. Help!!
take your fish back and try a fishless cycle, its faster than with fish, and more humane. there should be some links either under beginner questions, check out the pinned articles.
You have no nitrites yet because the cycle is still at the very beginning. The ammonia will start to decrease and nitrites will appear soon. That is the 2nd stage of cycling and finally in the third stage nitrites will disappear and nitrates will start to appear. Although I am not a fan of cycling with fish, it is possible to overcome the problems. All it takes are small water changes. This will increase the time it takes your tank to cycle, but, hopefully, the fish will survive and not be too stressed out.

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