No Nests?


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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my betta has never once built a bubble nest, ive had him for about 2 months, his this something to be concerned about? or is it just that he's young?

replys and advice appreciated :thumbs:

Hiya 'genesis :)

It's MOst Probably Because You HAve A Filter Or Soemtyhing Disturbing The Surface Which MAkes Him Nverous Of Building In A Dangerous Area :)

I have 7 males and three of them never build a bubble nest. They are perfectly happy and healthy. The other 4 build them all the time. :)
None of my bettas blows bubble nest, some just doesn't know how to and some are to lazy to do it.
ok :) i wont be concerned
I have 4 males and only one of them builds a sort of nest, very pathetic it is but at least he knows how to do his stuff with the girls I've bred from him twice now and he looks after those eggs really well even if he has no real bubbles to pop them into (bubble wrap is soooo important then) :D
some males wont build a nest unless they have a female to show off to as well. all my males where blowing bubblenests like mad when they were young, but now only do it when they have a female to show off to lol

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