no more danios breeding


New Member
Mar 20, 2005
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My Danios spawned and my younger son is a tad upset that the eggs and fry will probably all get eaten. I want to seperate them for now and maybe set up a breeding tank later. I need to know whether I have to separate just the males and females of the same types or do I have to separate all the males from all the females.

The mixed types will school together...will they also interbreed with each other?
Yes, they can interbreed. A lot depends on the species - some are more so inclined then others.
As LL has stated yes they can interbreed but only with similar sized danios
IE giants will not interbreed with zebras.
I have seen pics or pearl/zebras and leopard/pearls
I myself have a few f4 hybrid LF leopard/glowlights

if you are interested in breeding them I have a page on my website
about sexing and breeding (sorry about the popups; I suggest making
sure you have a popup blocker and it is activated)
I've tried getting on your page a few times now and haven't been able to get it to load at all. Lately my comp is very finicky. Maybe I can get to it from another computer.

I was already 99.9% sure which sexes my fish were and the spawning took away any doubt. Some oddities I was the two zebras who spawned, the leopard female refused to spawn with the male even though she was doing the same shimmying dance and he chased her. Then when the other two were spawning she got in close and shimmied right beneath them as if she was going to lay eggs too (but she didn't). I thought it was some sort of stealth fertilization. Also, the male guarded the major spawning sight for a while and kept going back and re-fertilizing the area between chasing the others away.

It was interesting. I guess in the wild they maybe guard the site long enough for the eggs to sink and get well hidden then they leave the area (and eat someone else's eggs instead of their own)?
ok sorry about the trouble you are having accessing my site :/
just for you here is my tips on breeding danios
I can't emphasize enough, this is just what you can do
there are other methods that have worked for other people but this way has worked for me on numerous occasions

To successfully breed danios this is what you can do.
1) Have a smaller, cycled, tank set up in advance (10 u.s. gallon will suffice). The tank should have a few layers of marbles or larger gravel in the bottom, so the parents can not get at the eggs.
2) Place the female(s) in this tank alone for 24hrs. After 24hrs add the males (A 2 males to 1 female ratio is best, but 1 to 1 will work)
3) Leave nature to do its thing. Spawning will normally occure at dawn but can happen at dusk. If not successfull on the first day leave for another 24 hrs.
4) Remove the parents back to your main tank and raise the temperature in the spawning tank to 81f/27c.
5) Day 2, you should see little fry hanging on the glass.
6) The fry become free swimming with in 36hrs of birth and should be fed on infusoria (liqued fry #1) for about a two weeks.
7) You can now feed the fry crushed flakes and/or baby brine shrimp.
8 ) When the fry are large enough, around 2 months, you can lower the temp to the normal settings and/or put in with adults.

HTH and good luck :thumbs:

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