No More Breeding


The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
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My Bettas House In New York
Hey guys! I've decided to call it quits with the betta breeding for awhile, its just been one failed spawn after another and its really starting to bother me :no: so I've decided to call it quits for awhile and just focus on the importing business that I'm working on ggetting started, and possibly doing some rescuing on the side, I haven't decided yet, though knowing me I probably will :) just wanted to let y'all know!
Sorry to hear you've been having problems. Good luck with your importing business though and I'm sure you'll get to breeding again in a while :)
Sorry to hear that! Often when something is really frustrating me, I find it best to just walk away from it for a while. Hopefully you will return with some new ideas and a more positive outlook, and anything you throw in a tank will breed and produce tons of healthy little ones. Good luck with your importing!

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