No Main Lighting For 2 Days


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Florida, USA - deep in the heart of Hurricane Coun
I'm going out of town for two days in a few weeks and although I have some one that will come over and feed my fish, my lighting system is tempermental, and I would prefer that no one mess with it. First off, let me tell you what I've got in my 24g nano:
2 black and white clowns
1 bi-color blennie
1 cleaner shrimp (although I haven't seen him, or his remains, in a few days)
assorted crabs, hermits, and snails
1 small colony of xenia
1 small colony of trumpet coral

the lights are all stock on the cube, but for some reason when I turn the main light on, it sometimes blows the circuit breaker on my electricity panel. Hence the reason I don't want some one else messing with it. And why I don't put it on a timer. For 2 days, could I just keep the moon light on full time? the room it is in gets quite bright during the day (no direct sunlight).

Any info would be appreciated.
Even reefs can have a couple cloudy days in a row ;). Shouldn't do too much thats bad. If after the first day of your return, thigns aren't opening, try running on half bulbs.
OK, got back last night, turned the main lights on, and although the xenia were open, they weren't pumping. I turned the lights on this morning, and still not pumping.

Should I be concerned, or does it take them a while to 'charge up' again?

If they're open I wouldnt be too worried yet. What about the trumpet coral?
no experience with trumpets, just wondering if it was one or both corals which hadn't come back yet :)

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