No Magnesium In Water Supply


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
Kenilworth, UK
I just received a message from my water company that there is no magnesium in my water supply (this is unusual if I am not mistaken):

With referencve to your inquiry on Magnesium.

Please be advised that there is no Magnesuim in the water supply.



Severn Trent Plc (registered number 2366619) and Severn Trent Water Limited

(registered number 2366686) (together the "Companies") are both limited companies

registered in England & Wales with their registered office at Severn Trent Centre,

2 St John's Street, Coventry, CV1 2LZ

I am using an EI based method so I guess this would imply using magnesium sulphate as an extra nutrient (I am already using potassium sulphate). Is there anything I should be aware of with adding the magnesium?

I haven't noticed any problems with my plants so I am surprised by this. Can magnesium come from other sources?

well MgSO4 is the cheapest form to use. Since you are already doing EI it pretty simple to add it to the regime. Its also the cheapest fertilizer. You can get it at target/walmart 4lb for like $4. Its epsom salt (MgSO4*7H20).
Magnesium is in trace elements, you only need MgSO4 if you are still noticing an Mg defficiency, as your plants are fine I wouldn't bother.
I am also supplied by Severn Trent and my plants are fine with EI. They were also fine with TPN+ too.

Thanks, Aaron
I'm on Severn Trent also, no Mg issues, my Trace Elements must be sufficient.
Thanks everyone.

I will probably just keep on doing what I am doing then. It looks OK at the moment.

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