no fry???


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham Alabama (ROLL TIDE!)
after 2 succesful breeding sesions with a HM and CT spawn. (2 seperate spawns I didnt breed together) Now both were small spawns , but after 2 weeks I cant find anymore fry. I did water changes and kept everything in line, I am not sure what I did wrong on these 2. Has this ever happened to anyone? the fry just disappears?
That's crazy. But I've heard some other's say the same thing on a Houston board that I visit. I don't get it :dunno:
This happend to me

But since they were small I dont see it

Wait a few days... :)
i dunno that is odd, i lost 50+ guppy fry once for a couple days, thogh they were all dead but the were hideing deep in the gravel :D they couldn't jump can they? what kinda tail types would u end up with if u bred a hm and ct, iv got my ct male i wanna breed with my black marble hm female but im not sure what the fry would look like. -_- i hope ur fry surface, i know what its like to lose a bunch of baby fish, its dissapoiting... :unsure:
I didnt breed CT X HM.
One spawn was a CT spawn
the other was a HM spawn.
I have no gravel in the tank.
I did find 4 fry from the CT spawn.
No survivors from the HM spawn.
GuppyDude said:
thogh they were all dead but the were hideing deep in the gravel :D
THat so happend to me when i was little... thing is i didnt realize that i would have 40 fish in like a 10 gal tank if i kept 3girls and 3 guys together :p
When fry are real young, and die..they turn to fuzz real fast. Maybe you cleaned them up while cleaning the bottom. They wouldn't look like fish..they barely do at that age anyways. One of those who knows... :dunno:

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