No Filtration Or Heat.


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2005
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Northern Ireland

I am currently running an Eheim thermofilter on my 200 litre community tank, which has given up the ghost and is no longer working correctly.

I know exactly the part I need to fix this problem however my nearest Eheim stockist is in Belfast (over 70 miles away) and I cannot get there until Monday.

So I suppose the question is can my fish survive until Moday evening without filtration without any adverse effects? The heat is not a problem as I am keeping the room where the tank is housed at a constant heat.

Unfortunatley there is only one shop in the whole of Northern Ireland that stocks Eheim filters and spare parts which is Grosvenor Tropicals in Belfast, there is a few other shops over here but they really leave a lot to be desired.

I get really jealous when I come over to the mainland and see the amount of really good places that sell fish of really great quality, a massive selection and related equipment.

This is the only shop I and several of my friends will buy from, not really through loyalty but because of there been no other choice really. (Note to myself: Maybe I should open up my own shop??)

I could nip over the town and buy a cheap filter and heater but really don't see the point unless my fish would not survive without them.
do you have access to an airstone? and which part exactly is broken?
Yes I have an airstone currently running to aearate the water surface and it is the impeller which needs replacing in the filter
So this one device does your heating and filtration. That to me sounds like you have all your eggs in one basket.

Why not take the opertunity to purchase a new heater and filter which don't reply on each other to function.

Then get your original filter working on monday.

This way, you have two filters and a seperate heater


P.S - Isn't it going to cost alot of money keeping your house heated at one temp?.
Do you all have whisper power filters where you live? If so get one of them because I use them on all my tanks and have never had a problem with them at all and have never lost a fish because of the filter.
I appreciate everyones advice so far and thanks for taking the time to answer, but no one has told me yet if my fish will survive until Monday or not?

I will assume that they can if I don't hear different.
As long as you have a heater in the tank and a air pump and you do a water change like every 2 days then you should be kind also take the filter media out of filter and set it inside the tank so the bacteria will stay alive until you get a new filter then stick the filter media that is in the tank into to new filter and there you go. ;)
Thanks for the advice Durbkat,

Maybe here is another stupid question which you can hopefully answer:

I was due later on this month to change the filter media inside my filter, when I pick up my spare part and repair my filter is it possible to change the filter media at the same time?

I understand I will be running my filter without any of the beneficial bacteia which would have been inside though, could I place this in the tank until the filter has matured enough?

If so:

1. How would you put the filter media in the tank? Inside one of the wife's stockings??
2. How long before this could be removed and the filter was matured with all of this beneficial bacteria?

Sorry if I have gone on a bit, just I didn't want to miss anything.
No just drop the filter media inside the tank. No you shouldn't put a new cartridge in at the same time of getting a new filter. Once you get the new filter just put the filter media in that is sitting in the tank into the filter and maybe after about 2 or 3 weeks you can change the filter media.

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