No bubblenest yet


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hey everyone! I got my first betta almost a month ago. He's a beautiful red,saphire and turquoise VT :wub: He's kept on my desk at my work in a 1 gallon tank. I'm not using a filter so doing a 100% water change once a week plus a 75% water change once a week. The temperature in the room stays consistent at 22C. He appears happy enough.. his colours are dark and bright, he eats (like a pig!! :p ) and is very active. He just has not blown a bubble nest yet. Should I be concerned? Does this mean he isn't as happy as I think he is?

What can I do to increase he quality of life?


~edited for really bad grammar
not all bettas will build a nest it doesnt mean they are not happy if they do not do this.
Hi -
it took my little guys quite a while before they started making nests. One thing that might make him happier would be to warm up his water, but that's really hard to do with a 1 gallon tank.

If he's eating like a piggy and swimming around quite a bit, he's perfectly happy I'm sure. Just keep doing what you're doing, look in on him every now and then and eventually you'll probably see a nest!

If you don't, however, even EVER see one, that doesn't means he's not happy.
Ok..thanks guys!! I love him to bits so want just want him to be happy too.

re: temperature. I'm keeping my eye on it. My office is generally pretty warm, but am not sure what will happen in the summer when the air conditioning gets turned on. If it gets too cool I'll have to upgrade him to a larger tank so I can have a heater in it. (You can put a heater in a 2 gallon, right?)
Mine hasn't built a bubble nest yet... maybe he's not macho enough :lol: Hey, some females build bubble nests, so I wouldn't be suprised if some males don't.
He would probably build one if he saw himself in a mirror,or something. But I wouldn't worry that he's not happy. I'm sure he knows he's loved ;)

Also,sometimes, it's PH that effects their friskiness the most.

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