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Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2019
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san diego california
took helios into work and had my boss open him up. there were no marks on him, no scales out of place, no lump or bumps, nothing fuzzy in his mouth or his gills. his tail, and dorsal finns were ragged and shortened, kinda fuzzy along the edges. his belly was not bloated at this time. when they opened him up,( I wasn't there, could not watch) he had a lot of stool, all organs appeared "large", no overt flukes, worms or other parasites seen. we sent in 2 parts of the intestines, and the liver (he thought that it was larger than normal, and discolored but he said that that may have been from being deceased). his stomach was almost empty. also they are going to examine the stool for parasites. in the meantime, champagne is doing great, eating, normal stools, tails and finns are beautiful. she is pissed about her tank conditions though.
The fish might have had a protozoan or bacterial infection in the brain or it had a heart attack or stroke.
Enlarged organs can mean an infection or chemical poisoning or stress.
The fish might have had a protozoan or bacterial infection in the brain or it had a heart attack or stroke.
Enlarged organs can mean an infection or chemical poisoning or stress.

yea, pretty sure it was not chemical or stress. bacterial and viral would have to have come from an outside source. these two are not other fish friendly, they will destroy anything I put into this new fish in over a year. the water parameters in this tank, 30gallon with only these two, have never been out of wack. worried about fatty liver dz, didn't think to send in the have a good point, this was almost neurological, maybe something crawling around in the brain....:confused:
yea, pretty sure it was not chemical or stress. bacterial and viral would have to have come from an outside source. these two are not other fish friendly, they will destroy anything I put into this new fish in over a year. the water parameters in this tank, 30gallon with only these two, have never been out of wack. worried about fatty liver dz, didn't think to send in the have a good point, this was almost neurological, maybe something crawling around in the brain....:confused:

thought i'd post a pic of champangne, the female in that 30gal.
thank you...its like raising a bunch of toddlers.:blink:
Sorry I have to disagree with you there. Fish are way easier :rofl:

(even though the youngest toddler is about to hit the big three oh)
Sorry I have to disagree with you there. Fish are way easier :rofl:

(even though the youngest toddler is about to hit the big three oh)
My fish are easier than my toddler for sure. My toddler just turned four and I’d say we’ve hit the “no, I don’t want to” to everything phase. Ha ha. Takes forever getting her out of the house in the morning, she doesn’t like any clothes I pick out for her, shoes, brushing her teeth, having a healthy breakfast. The list goes on. Everything is a battle. My fish are happy just being in a clean tank, fed twice a day. Rofl.
My fish are easier than my toddler for sure. My toddler just turned four and I’d say we’ve hit the “no, I don’t want to” to everything phase. Ha ha. Takes forever getting her out of the house in the morning, she doesn’t like any clothes I pick out for her, shoes, brushing her teeth, having a healthy breakfast. The list goes on. Everything is a battle. My fish are happy just being in a clean tank, fed twice a day. Rofl.
You need to put the toddler in a tank and feed her twice a day.
My fish are easier than my toddler for sure. My toddler just turned four and I’d say we’ve hit the “no, I don’t want to” to everything phase. Ha ha.

I would like to assure you guys that they get easier...they don't. it all just keeps morphing into different "stuff". I wouldn't trade my time with my kids though for anything.:) they are on the east coast now and I miss them terribly.
Yep, here comes my Angel Fish sh desire again!

yep...almost 6 years ago, I set up a 55 gallon with the hope of a nice, quiet school of beautiful angels that I could enjoy...these were always my first love. well, bought 12 little dime sized babies, and within 18 months I had to split them up into 5 separate tanks. love them all, but they decided to pair off, lay eggs...ok stop. I now have 5 tanks with grown up, spoiled divas. :)

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