No Amonia Showing...

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Dec 3, 2005
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My new tank set up has been up and running for 3 days now (Live plants, substrate, bogwood and rocks. Nutrafin 'Aqua' and 'Cycle' additives used; temperature currently 77F. 10 hrs of light per day). I've just done the first amonia check (Nutrafin Amonia kit: 5ml of tank water added to 6 drops of reagent; shake and check the reading). My test tube sample showed completely 'clear' against the chart. Surely this is wrong for a brand new set up? What have I done wrong? Help!
The only way you will see ammonia on your test is if there is a source of ammonia within your tank in the form of fish or household ammonia. The Nutrafin cycle doesn't contain ammonia, it contains the bacteria to break down the ammonia. So if you added this and no fish then the bacteria will die off as they will not have a food source.

I think when you are using this product you are supposed to add the fish at he same time.
The only way you will see ammonia on your test is if there is a source of ammonia within your tank in the form of fish or household ammonia. The Nutrafin cycle doesn't contain ammonia, it contains the bacteria to break down the ammonia. So if you added this and no fish then the bacteria will die off as they will not have a food source.

I think when you are using this product you are supposed to add the fish at he same time.

I thought the Nutrafin Cycle contained eveything to 'kick start' the process? The instructions say add the Cycle to de-chlorinated water (with a few flakes of fishfood - are these flakes the ammonia source?) and wait a few days before checking the ammonia level. BTW, I haven't tested the PH yet - was told not to bother at this stage - just get the ammonia/nitrite levels correct first?
The fish food will be the source of ammonia but only once it has been broken down (not sure how long this takes). So really you are doing a fishless cycle using this cycle product. The product supposedly contains the bacteria to break down the ammonia so then I dont get how you would see an ammonia spike if the bacteria are already supposed to be in the product you bought.
Currently, the tank water is crystal clear - didn't even cloud up when filling with water (I was expecting the Laterite granuals in the substrate to leak out)...
kris-b- is right that you wouldn't see any ammonia unless you added a source. The fish flakes are the source but it would take quite a bit to produce enough ammonia to smow up very well. My general opionin of the "cycling" products like Cycle is that they are pretty useless.They don't really do any harm but I also don't think they do any good. If you want to do a fishless cycle, try to find some pure ammonia instead of the fish flakes. If you decide to cycle with fish, then keep a close check on your water parameters and don't add more than 3 or 4 at a time. Once you add fish, don't add any more until after the ammonia and nitrite spikes have passed and you have 0 readings for a full week.
kris-b- is right that you wouldn't see any ammonia unless you added a source. The fish flakes are the source but it would take quite a bit to produce enough ammonia to smow up very well. My general opionin of the "cycling" products like Cycle is that they are pretty useless.They don't really do any harm but I also don't think they do any good. If you want to do a fishless cycle, try to find some pure ammonia instead of the fish flakes. If you decide to cycle with fish, then keep a close check on your water parameters and don't add more than 3 or 4 at a time. Once you add fish, don't add any more until after the ammonia and nitrite spikes have passed and you have 0 readings for a full week.

Thanks rrd1952... I've just spoken to my lfs about this too (just to get as many views as poss.). They said the following: no ammonia will show up after only 3 days - take another reading at 7-10 days when the Nutrafin Cycle has had a chance to do its thing. I asked about adding ammonia to speed things up and they said a big 'no'. They advised to test for Nitr'I'tes now (I thought the nitr'I'te test came after the Ammonia test?). Anyway, I just did and the Nitr'I'te reading came out at 0.2 (pale pink). The lfs advised to put in a couple of hardy fish when the Nit'I'te level reaches '0' - then the fish will produce the ammonia (This seems the wrong way round to me - and I'll then be cycling 'with' fish which I didn't really want to do. Now I'm really confused!
Your LFS is totally wrong. If you don't have fish in the tank, you will never have ammonia unless you add it, you add fish food which will decay and produce it or you have live plants which will die, decay and produce it. You add ammonia to develop and feed the nitrifying bacteria that process ammonia and nitrite. Nutrafin Cycle will never cause ammonia to appear in the tank. It is supposed to have bacteria that helps process the ammonia but I firmly believe that products like that are useless.

As for testing for nitrite, if there has never been any ammonia in the tank, there definitely won't be any nitrite unless it came from your tap water. The simple version of the nitrogen cycle is that bacteria consume ammonia and turn it into nitrite. A totally different group of bacteria consume nitrite and turn it into nitrate. You then remove nitrates by doing weekly water changes. Simply put, no ammonia means no nitrite. It sounds like they have the ammonia and nitrite confused.

If you don't want to cycle with fish then I urge you to do a fishless cycle. The link in my signature is one I wrote on fishless cycling. I'm not boasting but I think it is as clear and easy to understand as any you will find on the internet. It should tell you everything you need to know. Just remember, the LFS is there to sell you fish and anything else that they can. If you cycle with fish and some die, they get to sell you more.
Where are you from?

If you're from the UK I got my ammonia from Homebase in the homeware section and its called "Homebase Household Ammonia". I've also heard some people mention they got some in boots too!

Hope this helps
Your LFS is totally wrong.

I thought so... just had a thought... is it possible to use human urine as the ammonia source?!
From what I have read, I think you can. I have read several articles that said it was sterile but I don't know how true that is. Also, if you have been taking any medications, I that that would be in there too (that's why they do urine tests for drugs). There is a link in the TFF FAQ Beginners section about where to get ammonia in the US and UK. Walmart is probably the best place in the US (as much as it pains me to say it).

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