

Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Ilkeston, Derbyshire, UK
My nitrites are .25 again this morning
Is there a way to bring them down without doing a water change ? Our water is currently off as they are Working on the pipes so I can't change it till a lot later and don't want to lose any fish
Increase surface agitation and just hope they get the work done quickly.
How many houses does the work affect? Do you have a neighbour you could grab a few buckets from?
I've got 2 air pipes blowing into the tank constantly

All the streets off till this afternoon :(

It's my blue ram as well I'll be gutted if I lose him :(
did a water change last night and already this morning my nitrites are back upto .25 again, im begining to think that my filter may not be working properly as its been 3 weeks and the nitrates are still only 10.

any ideas ?
buy a bottle of seachem prime and it will neutralize ammonia and nitrite. you may get a false positive reading still though
did a water change last night and already this morning my nitrites are back upto .25 again, im begining to think that my filter may not be working properly as its been 3 weeks and the nitrates are still only 10.

any ideas ?

3 weeks since you set up the tank? If that's correct, then the chances are your filter isn't fully matured yet, in which case water changes are the only thing that will protect your fish until the bacteria colonies are fully grown. A fish-in cycle does take quite a few weeks to complete.

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