Nitrites Wont Go Down


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2006
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hi im fishless cycling a small 6g tank which has been running for 5 weeks now and i cant get the nitrites to go down after they peeked anyone got any ideas?
i've read that it sometimes seems to take forever to get nitrites down to 0, but that it will go to 0 overnight. i'd wait some more and keep dosing the proper amount of ammonia daily until that happens.
Cheers i think im getting a bit impatiant but it seems to take forever my othet tank only took 2 weeks to cycle but i havnt been able to use any media in that tank as i had a wipe out of my fish last weekend so i dont wanna put anything nasty in the new tank
Spoken from experience, I set up my tank on 1st January and it was only in the last few weeks that the nitrite spike tumbled so yes, it can seem like forever.
Hang on in there - I'm sure it won't be too much longer now.
My tank took six weeks to fully cycle. the nitrite spike lasted weeks. I was due to go on holiday for a few days and was worried about not being able to do the water changes. Two days before we went the nitrite dropped and went to 0 it has stayed there since.

Good luck :good:
nitrites take a lot longer than ammonia, try a 30% water change which should kick start your cycle if it's stalled.

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