nitrite wow High level i think


Mar 13, 2004
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Well i'm about 1.5 months maybe less with my fish. At the beggin i added fish and didnt give it time to cycle fishless but whatever. It's been about 1.5 months now and my ammonia lev was always above and been doing regular water changes, my fish look happy. Just this week i noticed that i was getting brown algea which is fine i dont care. But now all of a sudden i tested my water today, Ammonia was at like 0 or maybe .1 but my nitrite is now at like 2.5 or 3 i think that's werid, i cant test for nitrate cause my test dont work that i bought but, what's a good thing to do ?
Sounds like you are part way through the cycle. First the ammonia levels get high then they go to zero as the nitrites climb up (this will last quite long about double the ammonia spike)as the nitrites climb the nitrates will slowly start to build then all of a sudden the nitrites will go to zero and your tank will be cycled. After that all that should be measurable will be nitrate which can be controlled by weekly water changes (the amount will depend on the nitrate level as compared to your last reading).
The brown algae is very common with new tanks and should go away on its own in a couple of weeks. If not just give it a scrape and it should stay away. HTH :)
Yea thought it was part of the cycle, but it was really werid cause last week i could swear my ammonia was like 6.0 then i did a 35% change of water, then this week it's 0 so whatever. The algea i'm not worried about it got a stupid little algea eater forget what it's called but he's skinnny long with a black strip, japanese algea or somthing like that forget. but thanks again

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