nitrite level in the stress zone.


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
Well, I have had this tank for 4 or 5 months now, so it is well past it's cycle, but the power went out for a few hours last week. I tested the water today, and my nitrIte levels are in the stress zone. Could the loss of power for a few hours caused my benificial bacteria to die, thus starting the cycling process all over again? :/ If this is the case, it kinda sucks cause the betta I have in there is sick at the moment. :sad: I don't know if he could handle the cycle again. I think I am going to move him out of the tank to a bowl till the tank complets the cycle again if that is what it is doing. I tested my other 2 tanks as well, but all perameters come out normal. Except in one of my 2.5G's there has been a film on top of the water. I think that may be my fault though. I have a betta and an adf in there. I might just have to do more frequent water changes in that one. It has been getting twice weekly 25% changes. Thanks in advance for any and all thoughts.
I would do daily 30-50% water changes until the levels come back down to zero. :nod:
I would do a water change as well. The ammonia probably went up when the filter went off, and is now trying to cycle to nitrate. A water change and continue for a few days with the filter going and it should go nitrate again. The water change will dilute the nitrite and lower it. Just want to add that if you haven't changed the filter or done a gravel wash recently, I would do 1 of those. Not both at the same time.
I'll do the changes then. I did a 50% today, but that was before I tested. I think he has velvet, so I was planning on daily changes and salt anyway. Anyone know a good cure for that? I did a gravel wash last week. What's the proper way to do that so I know if I did it right or not? I changed the filter at the same time but it's one of those that has a benificial bacteria sponge or whatever so it was just the mechanical filter that was changed.
Aquarisol works well for velvet, and using aquarium salt in the water helps get rid of and prevent velvet. I would put him in a 1 gal jar and treat him...
clean the tank and ornaments..

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