Nitrite is up again!!!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
New York
The nitrite was at .5. Yesterday, it went to about 2, and now its at 5, even though i didnt add any ammonia after it went to 2. Why is this happening??

When should the cycle end?? THe nitrite started appearing about 2 weeks ago.

Edit: The nitrite went up to 5 about 2 weeks ago, then, it went to .5. Yesterday, it went to about 2, and now its at 5, even though i didnt add any ammonia after it went to 2. :dunno:
Without knowing the history of your tank, my guess is that the bacterial colony is growing as it should. The Nitrites take some time to come down, and then you will get a Nitrate reading. Half your Ammonia dose now the Nitrites are rising.

You should get some live plants, because they lower nitrite pretty well. If not, then just wait, it sould just drop eventually.
You should get some live plants, because they lower nitrite pretty well. If not, then just wait, it sould just drop eventually.

I ordered some from a few days ago, so, I hope they come soon.....
Lol, you sound like a kid in a lolly shop :D

Depends on what kind of fish... just get one or two to begin with.

What fish were u planning on?
What size tank is this? Presuming that you just completed a fishless cycle with ammonia, you'll actually want to add your entire fishload, not add just a couple fish at a time such as when you are cycling with fish. If you were cycling with fish, then how many you can add is dependent on how many are in the tank now, how large the tank is, and what your final stocking plans are.
Im going to buy my fish now.....

(all 11 of them)

Ill buy algea wafers for my otos since theres pretty much no algea in my tank.
Wait on the otos. Get the rest of the fish though. Add the otos after a few weeks, they are really sensitive and need a truly stable, established tank.
luxum, u wrote that after i left, but i didnt get the otos anyway.
They only had one.
They didnt have any neon tetras either, but they had cardinal tetras, and every single cardinal tetra in the tank had ich, so i didnt buy them.
I ended up getting 6 guppies though, since my sister made me get 6 instead of 3, but now we wont get any neon tetras, since i didnt really want them, anyway(my sister picked them).

So, this is what happened:
We went to the store, and asked a lady to get us some fish.
SHe came over and we said we wanted guppies.
Then I pointed to where it said "oto cats" on the tank wall, and asked if they had any of them ,since i couldnt find them in the tank.
So, the lady said something about not working in that secion of the store, and called over another lady. The other lady pointed out where it was, and sai they only had one.
So, Iasked whenthey would get more, and she said on Tuesday. Theyn she went and the lady asked me why im not buying just one, and i said that i think they have to be in groups.
She said something like, well, if u say that, im not going to argue.
Then she called the lady over again and asked her if cat fish have to be in groups, and she ssaid "No, not at all."
The the lady went, and she started fishing out the males, and then we somehow ended up getting 3 males and 3 females.

-I forgot to buy plant fertilizer, so ill but it when i go back for the otos.
-That store had painted tetras, and one lady was actually buying them.
I was going to say something, but she probably wouldnt have listened to a kid anyway. (The people who work at the store know these fish better than I do, of couse).

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