Fish Fanatic
Hello, I have my two Goldfish (1 inch and another one smaller) in a 2 Gallon Tank- should be enough room. Also I do have some Ghost-Shrimp in there to keep the Tank-bottom clean from dropped food! I'm carefull about how much I feed, pump is running constantly, I don't have the ligth on to much and and and! Still, I startet that Water in the Tank on Monday- today already the nitrite is at 1,0! My fish and Shrimp still seem to be happy, no darting around, no dazing, they still eat with good Appetite, Goldfish as Ghost-Shrimps! I know the level ist suposed to be 0- .5 max. Nitrite! Is there a chemical that will help a little? All the other Levels are perfect range and the water is clear- I did try a 25% water change with prepped tab-water, but that brought no results- exept it inproved the PH a little, but that one wasn't bad before anyways!
Any tips!
Any tips!