Nitrite Bother


Nov 28, 2006
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I thought my tank was cycled, my ammonia is at 0, Nitrate is at 5, my ph is 7.6 but my nitrite yesterday went to 0.25, ( API kit) i changed 20 litres ( I have 89 litres) and today I changed another 20, but this evening its still at .25 - I don,t understand why they have not gone down.

Yesterday I put in Zeo carb in my fluval 105, and also a polishing pad, and I have the biomax at the top, and this was put in when we set the filter up about 1 1/2 weeks, but my fluval 2+ has been in the tank 4 weeks or so - since we started this new tank. ( any suggestions on best set uos for these externals would be appreciated)

I thought as we had nitrates present they should take care of the nitrites. :/ should i keep daily water changing for a while, i thought that I should have passed this stage by now I fed up of changing so much water all the time.

The only other action my tank has seen is the arrival of mollie fry - they now at my LFS along with their daddy - ( i don't want to keep having fry) ( I know that more will be on the way though) Perhaps these fry added to my nitrites :fish: they were stuck in the filter and in the gravel adn everywher - 15 i saved in total.

Oh and when I took back the mollies I got a sucker fish, but he hasn't moved, he is alive and I wondered if its these levels or do they prefer to be lively at night! :dunno:
He only tiny - can't remember what sort but at the moment he about 1.5"

Any ideas

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