

Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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i have had my 55 gal tank now for about 6 months. i have a few fish and few corals. 30 kg live rock. ammonia 0 nitrite 0 phosphates 0.03. calcium 420. mag 1300. kh 11. ph 8.0. sg 1.025. my problem over last 2/4 weeks is nitrates they were about 40 but now they have crept up yo 100 and i dont know why. a star fish was dying so i got out quick ut apart from that i stuffed and ideas and how can i kepp these down. i do water change every two weeks about 50 ltrs
May seem obvious but are you using RO water for your water changes or tapwater? Either way have you tested the water you're putting into the tank during a water change?
I dying star will do it....disintegrates quickly and releases enough nasty stuff to nuke a tank. SH
There are different types of caleurpa and other types of macro algae that use nitrates and phosphates as a main food source. They are definitely a good thing to have in a sump.

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