Nitrates During Cycling


New Member
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Bucks, UK
Hi everyone,

I posted a couple days ago about coming towards the end of my fishless cycling because it seemed like my nitrItes were dropping.

I'm now confused though - from my test kit (Nutrafin mini master) it appears that my nitrItes are being processed in around 24 hours. I'm then re-dosing with ammonia as that is also being processed.

What worries me, though, is that my nitrAtes have also dropped gradually from being off the chart (110+) to about half way down (40). I thought nitrAtes were a sign that everything else is working and I that can only lose the nitrAtes with a water change?

If that is a case, could it indicate that something has gone wrong with my cycling?
I can't see how as I'm topping up the ammonia and it seems to be processed within 24 hours, but I am confused by it all!

I do plan to start testing every 12 hours as of tomorrow morning.

Any help or advice would be greatly received.


Hi Scott, Have you got any plants in your tank? and are you using any nitrate removing media in your filter?

Hi Keith,

I have no plants at the minute - just some bogwood which went in before I started cycling.

I don't think I have any media to remove nitrates - I have an AquaOne Aquis 1000 external filter with ceramic hoops, plastic 'bio-balls' and some sponges.
Hi Keith,

I have no plants at the minute - just some bogwood which went in before I started cycling.

I don't think I have any media to remove nitrates - I have an AquaOne Aquis 1000 external filter with ceramic hoops, plastic 'bio-balls' and some sponges.
I would not worry to much about your nitrAte level, the main focus at this stage is your ammonia and nitrIte testing. Going back to your nitrates it could have simply been a faulty test(make sure test tubes are clean and follow test instructions to the letter), i remember my nitrate readings acting strange because i was not shaking bottle 2 of the test kit enough.

Maybe I have been getting a little slack shaking bottle 3...
I've been testing daily so I may have become jaded!
Cheers, Keith.


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