Nitrates Don't Change

Porky p

New Member
Oct 30, 2012
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Hi, I set up a community tank maybe 3 1/2 months ago.
For the first month I did a fishless cycle dosing up to 5ppm ammonia every morning until both ammonia and nitrites went back to zero in between 6-8 hours!
I was doing fortnightly (at least) water changes (40%)
Anyway I noticed my nitrates never seemed to budge which of course is the main reason for water changes!
I left the water now for about 3-4 weeks and still no changes!
My readings are

Ammonia - 0
Ph - 7.5
NitrItes - 0
NitrAtes - 0

While this problem isn't causing me or my set up any problems right now, I'm wondering if this could be a symptom of a larger underlying problem!
All fish are happy and healthy.

Wanting to change to cichlids but would need to make sure this isn't a problem first.

Very strange indeed, is the tank heavily planted? Plants will consume some nitrate I know in one of my previous tanks which was fairly heavily planted the nitrates would never go above 20ppm but to have 0? Than would suggest something else is going on.
No, I planted but they didn't last so all I have now if fake plants!
I really can't get my head round this
Are you using liquid test kits? You need to shake bottle 2 for the API and bottle 3 for the Nutrafin nitrate tests for about a minute vigorously, otherwise it locks the result at 0-5ppm.
If you have a lot of plants, they can consume all nitrAtes. Mine go to 0 too.
Yes API master test kit!

I have just redone my nitrate test shaking both bottles ridiculously excessively will tell you my readings in a couple of minutes
Wow I feel like an idiot!

After doing that the reading is between 10-20ppm so that was my problem.
Just as a note, were you totally switching out your stock for cichlids or adding to it? What is your current stock? Tank size? For Malawi cichlids, you should probably up the pH to about 8 and have at least 55gal(US). You can use Aragonite (substrate) or something like it to bolster your pH.


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