Nitrates And The Fishless Cycle


New Member
May 28, 2006
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I'm currently cycling my tank (63 litres) and 2 1/2 weeks in. I'm adding ammonia every day at the moment to get it to 5ppm, with it being 0 the next day. My nitrites WERE high up till today but when I tested this a.m the ammonia was back down to 0 (as usual) the nitrites were down to 2ppm (they were way off the scale only yesterday) BUT my nitrates are minimal (5ppm) and haven't budged.

When should I expect my nitrates to spike? Given the ammonia is being topped up every day but used up by the next and my nitrites have spiked and are now coming down, I would have thought my nitrates would have kicked in by now. I have real plants in my tank. Will this affect things?

Or am I being impatient? I'm glad the ammonia is coming down to 0 every day and that my nitrites have spiked and are coming down. But weird no nitrates yet. Or is it?


Well if your tank can get 5ppm of ammonia down to 0 i 12 hours and you have jsut had your nitrite spike then as soon as nitrite reaches 0 then i think you are done. I think there is usually a nitrate spike though???
Well if your tank can get 5ppm of ammonia down to 0 i 12 hours and you have jsut had your nitrite spike then as soon as nitrite reaches 0 then i think you are done. I think there is usually a nitrate spike though???

You should see nitrates rise as nitrites fall but if you have a lot of fast growing plants in your aquarium they could be using up a lot of the nitrates or even the ammonia and nitrites before they can get converted to nitrates.

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