Update for this morning.2 Guppies dead but one of these did get sucked up accidently, raced through the hosepipe and ended up in the garden! He was quickly scooped up by my son and put back in the tank and looked ok, so no shock really that he died. My SAE's have their stripe back and all the rest are feeding and swimming around fine.One of my shrimp even shed its skin so i take that as a good sign?
This morning the levels are ph-7.4 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10
So better than it was. Im off to the fish shop this morning to get some nitra zorb or something to keep in the house incase it happens again.
It was 8 neon green tetras that i lost
I dont temperature check the water but "feel" it, the temerature didnt change, it doesnt normally when i do it. I did check.
160 ltr tank 2 SAE, 3 Ottos, 6 amano shrimp, 2 crystal red shrimp, 1 fire red shrimp, 4 peppered corys, 8 celestial pearl danio, 8 male endler guppies.
The charcoal comes with the filter -All Pond Solutions 1400ef external filter.
The reason for the water change and filter clean was that i was moving plants and i try not to clean parts of the glass to allow algea to build up for the shrimp ect to feed on. So this was a major clean of practically all the glass and muck floating around from the gravel/plant move. I wonder if that was the cause?