Nitrate off the charts


New Member
Jul 17, 2004
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St. Louis MO
All of my water numbers are perfect for the type of fish I am still waiting to put in my tank. I have "fishless" cycled the tank but after the nitrites spiked, they never dropped. It has been between 2 and 3 weeks. I have comfirmed the test kit is working by testing my tap water and then verified my numbers at the LFS.

Is there anything I should do or do I just have to wait it out?

The folks at the LFS suggested chemicals to neutralize the toxicity of the nitrites but I really don't want to do that because it will render the tests ineffective for checking for nitrites.

Any suggestions? :dunno:
I also would guess nitrite, since you said that twice. If that's the case, you'll still have to continue waiting. The nitrites will eventually be converted into nitrates once sufficient bacteria is established, resulting in a nitrAte bloom. I know is must be hard, but it's still best for your (future) fish to continue waiting for the cycle to complete. As long as it seems, 2-3 weeks really isn't that long (relatively) for a cycle to complete.

Oh, and if it's nitrAtes, just do a water change. If the number's still (really) high tomorrow, do another one. It's okay to have nitrAtes as high as 40 ppm, although less is better for the health of the fish.
It's nitrIte, sorry. :crazy: I do know the difference, I guess I just wasn't thinking when I was typing. So, you think that this is normal? I just wasn't under the impression that a nitrite spike would last so long in a "fishless" cycle. I keep staring at a tank full of crystal clear water and all I can do is imagine fish swimming in it. I was also concerned that I had done something wrong when the LFS verified that the levels were exceptionally high.
Did you start cycling the tank 2-3 weeks ago, or did the nitrite spike happen 2-3 weeks ago? If you started 2-3 weeks ago, then it is a normal length of time, and I'd suggest you keep waiting. If the spike happened 2-3 weeks ago, that seems like a very long time to me, and I don't really know what to say...sorry.
The spike started 2-3 weeks ago. I thought it seemed like a long time too. Want to do a water change but was told that it would cause the nitrites to stay high. I keep adding amonia daily and keep my fingers crossed when I check my numbers but no luck yet. :sad:
I'm fishless cycling too :) and read an article (link below) which suggests varying your ammonia-adding routine if nitrite levels appear to get 'stuck'.

Fishless cycling

I accidentally overdosed my tank with ammonia on one occasion (and had to do large water change) and nitrates started to develop a couple of days later - so perhaps it really does work!

Hope this helps! ;)

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