Nitrate levels

0 is the perfect answer however this is a almost impossible ideal. Most urban tapwater supplies will already have a nitrate between 10 and 50 ppm straight from the tap which means no matter how many water changes you do you will not be able to get the nitrate below that, plants may help consume some but unless the tank is very heavily planted and has co2 injection to hep the plants process nitrate faster this will be minimal. It is my opinion that unless you are keeping nitrate sensative fish like stingrays, discus and appistogramma species then controlling the nitrate level in the tank to within 10 to 20 ppm of the tapwater levels will be enough, nitrate levels do not become deadly until they reach around 100ppm.
i tested mine on sunday and it was at 20ppm,
i was going to do a water change tonight as i just got a new filter.

I think i might test the tap water tonight as se what the nitrate is in the tap water.

Thanks CFC
i have never seen mine over about 5ppm...if that....

i use bio balls
Bio balls? Never heard of them. (Apparently, from your sig, you don't live in the U.S. so I guess I know why I've never heard of them. :lol:)

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