Nitrate Levels?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2010
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I need some advice what is most everybody's nitrate level? What is considered dangerous nitrate levels? Is there any chemical's that you can buy to lower nitrate levels? Thanks for the help.
ummm these are the jounal sections lol you might get this moved...
You probably already know this but before I proceed nitrIte is whole lot worse than nitrAte. As far as nitrate goes it really depends on what your keeping Discus for example are recommended to be kept between 0-10ppm. Most your average tanks are recommended below 30ppm but I've heard of people who have hit 150+ppm without any side effects. No fancy chemicals are needed thought just water changes 50% water change will drop your nitrate a lot and just continue doing WCs until you get to your desired levels.
Mine are currently and always 0ppm, but that is tough to achieve. As low as possible of course, but recommend <20ppm. Not difficult as long as you watch your stocking and keep up with maintenance.
Nitrates in a marine tank should be as near as possible to 0 and like nemo says this is hard to do Mine sit around 5 - 8 so I am adding biopellets to drag this down to 0 Inverts including corals are very sensitive to it.
Nitrates in a marine tank should be as near as possible to 0 and like nemo says this is hard to do Mine sit around 5 - 8 so I am adding biopellets to drag this down to 0 Inverts including corals are very sensitive to it.

Inverts in my tank are doing fine which is confusing as my nitrates are still sky high100ppm+

Beginning to think my test kit is out
Yes Ren... I would get a second opinion of that test. I hope for your sake they aren't that high!

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