Nitrate in Tapwater


Fish Crazy
Oct 12, 2021
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Hi all. Apologies in advance if this is in the wrong section.
I thought this may help struggling newbies with their water parameters.

I have an established 40 gallon 180 litre tank that has been going strong for 10 + years with just the occasional hiccup.

After reading the new keepers section regarding cycling I realised a haven't actualy tested my tank water for years and years so I got a new API master kit (my old one looked a bit suspect) and promptly tested my tank.

Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10ppm maybe 15 (between the 2 colours)
PH 7.5

WTH? So tested again and got same readings.

Decided to test my tapwater.

Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10ppm to 15pmm.
PH 7.5

At least I now know its not something I have done wrong. Fish are all as healthy as ever.

So if you are getting some Nitrate readings test your tap water, that may well be the issue.
Your're lucky. Here at the opposite end of the big smoke our tap water tests at 50ppm for nitrate.
My tap also has about 10ppm nitrate...

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