Hello. Fairly ashamed to be making this sort of post but I do need help. Sorry for the lengthiness.
I was gone for ~3 months and had my dad taking care of tanks for me.
Before that I was fairly burnt out and also was having some personal issues for a while, so the tanks got the bare minimum..feeding and 25-50% water changes a week. I never touched the filters unless they were obviously clogged. I think the lack of filter maintenance is why I'm having such high nitrates so it may be just as simple as taking care of those and then keeping up with it.
I also have some fish not looking quite right which may be due to this as well.
I have had fish disappearing for a while..never really found bodies, and didn't see fish showing symptoms of anything.
That was before I left though, and is also why my stocking is the way it is. Once everything is sorted I will either be re-homing certain ones or increasing their numbers again.
I'm going to post tanks and their stats along with some pictures in spoilers due to their size.
I know pictures aren't the most accurate but I sincerely have no idea what number to put for them.
First spoiler for each tank will be nitrate, second will be high pH if applicable, 2-3rd+ will be affected fish if applicable.
I do not have dimensions or temperature right now but I can get those tomorrow if they're needed/wanted.
I can also test kh/gh for the tanks I didn't test for if need be. Can add feeding as well, it's just late right now so I want to get this posted ASAP.
Wanted to add that the last water change was tuesday (5/31) and tests were taken sunday (6/5)
Tank #1
Stocking: 1x Black Ghost Knife, 1x Leopard Bushfish, 1x Striped Peacock Eel, 1x Half-Banded Eel, 1x Blue Phantom Pleco, 3x Angelfish, a LOT of MTS
Water Change: 25% a week
129g (488l)
pH 6.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate ??
I have a video of this tank as well as none of the fish will cooperate enough to actually get good pictures. I focused on the BGK because I was trying to see if his mouth looks messed up. The leopard bushfish unfortunately wouldn't come out but the other day I saw a few white blotches (not like ich, and not fuzzy) on his side. The striped angel looks like something may be wrong with his head and hopefully the camera shows some white stuff on his pectoral fins, although it may be some normal sparkling or something. The black angelfish issues may just be that she's beaten up by the other two.
Tank #2
Stocking: 1x Betta Ocellata, 1x Guppy, 1x Bristlenose Pleco, 4x Rummynose Tetras, 1x Albino Corydoras, 6x Sterbai Corydoras, ?x Khuli Loaches (always hiding, maybe 3 or 4..maybe 7), ?x Mystery Snails (hard to get a full count on these)
Water Change: 25-50% a week
55g (208l)
pH 6.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate ??
KH 1
GH 3
Tank #3
Stocking: 1x Crowntail Betta
Water Change: 50% a week
10g (38l) Betta
pH 7.6
High pH 7.8?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10-20?
Tank #4
Stocking: 2x Ranchu Goldfish (One of these has been having some issues with possibly dropsy, her thread is HERE.)
Water Change: 75% a week
29g (110l)
pH 6.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate ??
Tank #5
Stocking: 2x Peacock Gudgeons, 1x Espei Rasbora (has some sort of hole or spot on his side), 1-2x Marble Hatchetfish, 1x Spotted Blue-Eye Rainbowfish
Water Change: 25-50% a week
20g (75l)
pH 7.6
High pH 7.4?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40-80?
Tank #6
Stocking: 2x Fundulopanchax Gardneri Killifish (Both have raggedy tail, male has bent spine which was like this before I left but possibly not as severe), 1x Nerite Snail
Water Change: 25-50% a week
10g (38l) Killifish
pH 6.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate ??
Straight Tap Water
pH 7.6
High pH ??
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
KH 3
GH 3
24 Hour Tap Water (without airstone, thinking now maybe I should have added one?)
pH 7.6
High pH 7.8?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
KH 3
GH 3
I'll be making a post to help with the algae in the planted section tomorrow or something, if anyone ends up noticing that issue in some of the photos.
I was gone for ~3 months and had my dad taking care of tanks for me.
Before that I was fairly burnt out and also was having some personal issues for a while, so the tanks got the bare minimum..feeding and 25-50% water changes a week. I never touched the filters unless they were obviously clogged. I think the lack of filter maintenance is why I'm having such high nitrates so it may be just as simple as taking care of those and then keeping up with it.
I also have some fish not looking quite right which may be due to this as well.
I have had fish disappearing for a while..never really found bodies, and didn't see fish showing symptoms of anything.
That was before I left though, and is also why my stocking is the way it is. Once everything is sorted I will either be re-homing certain ones or increasing their numbers again.
I'm going to post tanks and their stats along with some pictures in spoilers due to their size.
I know pictures aren't the most accurate but I sincerely have no idea what number to put for them.
First spoiler for each tank will be nitrate, second will be high pH if applicable, 2-3rd+ will be affected fish if applicable.
I do not have dimensions or temperature right now but I can get those tomorrow if they're needed/wanted.
I can also test kh/gh for the tanks I didn't test for if need be. Can add feeding as well, it's just late right now so I want to get this posted ASAP.
Wanted to add that the last water change was tuesday (5/31) and tests were taken sunday (6/5)
Tank #1
Stocking: 1x Black Ghost Knife, 1x Leopard Bushfish, 1x Striped Peacock Eel, 1x Half-Banded Eel, 1x Blue Phantom Pleco, 3x Angelfish, a LOT of MTS
Water Change: 25% a week
129g (488l)
pH 6.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate ??
Tank #2
Stocking: 1x Betta Ocellata, 1x Guppy, 1x Bristlenose Pleco, 4x Rummynose Tetras, 1x Albino Corydoras, 6x Sterbai Corydoras, ?x Khuli Loaches (always hiding, maybe 3 or 4..maybe 7), ?x Mystery Snails (hard to get a full count on these)
Water Change: 25-50% a week
55g (208l)
pH 6.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate ??
KH 1
GH 3
Tank #3
Stocking: 1x Crowntail Betta
Water Change: 50% a week
10g (38l) Betta
pH 7.6
High pH 7.8?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10-20?
Tank #4
Stocking: 2x Ranchu Goldfish (One of these has been having some issues with possibly dropsy, her thread is HERE.)
Water Change: 75% a week
29g (110l)
pH 6.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate ??
Tank #5
Stocking: 2x Peacock Gudgeons, 1x Espei Rasbora (has some sort of hole or spot on his side), 1-2x Marble Hatchetfish, 1x Spotted Blue-Eye Rainbowfish
Water Change: 25-50% a week
20g (75l)
pH 7.6
High pH 7.4?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40-80?
Tank #6
Stocking: 2x Fundulopanchax Gardneri Killifish (Both have raggedy tail, male has bent spine which was like this before I left but possibly not as severe), 1x Nerite Snail
Water Change: 25-50% a week
10g (38l) Killifish
pH 6.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate ??
Straight Tap Water
pH 7.6
High pH ??
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
KH 3
GH 3
24 Hour Tap Water (without airstone, thinking now maybe I should have added one?)
pH 7.6
High pH 7.8?
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
KH 3
GH 3
I'll be making a post to help with the algae in the planted section tomorrow or something, if anyone ends up noticing that issue in some of the photos.