Nitrate and water changes


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I've been testing for nitrAte for a week now and my levels have been below 10 ppm. It doesn't seem to be rising much. When is it necessary to do water changes? Should I wait for the nitrAtes to increase over 20 ppm until I change the water? I'm trying to figure out a schedule for my water changes. Any advise would be appreciated.

Hi Leafs. That isn't a simple question as it depends on filtration and stocking levels and general tank condition. I change 10-20% of my water weekly. Assuming you have adequate filtration, the tank is cycled and is not over stocked you can probably go 25% every two weeks. I would never go beyond two weeks no matter what anyone tells you. Toxins can build up fast and water changes get rid of them fast. Hope this helps.
Hi Leafs. That isn't a simple question as it depends on filtration and stocking levels and general tank condition. I change 10-20% of my water weekly. Assuming you have adequate filtration, the tank is cycled and is not over stocked you can probably go 25% every two weeks. I would never go beyond two weeks no matter what anyone tells you. Toxins can build up fast and water changes get rid of them fast. Hope this helps.
Thanks Fisharefun. My tank isn't overstocked and I have and Aquaclear 200 on my 30 gal. I have 0 nitrIte and ammonia. It's a bit of a pain for me to do water changes since my tank is on my top floor. I would like to go to every two weeks, but I think I might stick to once a week. I'll keep testing my water in the meantime. When you change your water do you vacumm the gravel every week also?


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