Nitrate and ammonia.

Ammonia is toxic, there should be none in your water - if you see signs of any do immediate water changes.

NitrIte is toxic, there should be none in your water. If you see signs of any do immediate water changes.

NitrAte is only toxic in high quantities, and it's best to keep it under 50 ppm - the lower, the better.

What signs are there in the water sayin there is ammonia in it?

So should I buy a water-test kit after a week of two of having my fish and checking all is good?

You should buy a water testing kit as soon as possible, unless getting it tested at your LFS on a daily basis (while the tank cycles) is convenient and free.

Trust me! You'll feel much, much more secure knowing the tank parameters and being able to track changes.

But then again... I'm a little paranoid! I don't even have any fish yet and I'm constantly testing the water! :D
You should by a test for ammonia ASAP and test regularly for the first couple of weeks to make sure things are good. It's also wise to test after cleaning filters or adding fish.

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