Nishi-Aquaria Multi sticks


New Member
Mar 30, 2003
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Help, My fish are dying.

Has anybody had any problems with Nisha-Aquaria multi sticks fish food. I tried this food in my tank and within 1 hour my fish started to keel over and lay gasping on the floor of the tank. I have stripped the filters and replaced approx 50% of the water but I lost several fish although they appear to be OK now.

The tank is 240ltrs with approx 25 lake Malawi Chiclids which I have kept for over 4 years with no problems. The tank is served by an internal Jewel filter and an additional Fluval3 external filter to handle the stocking level. Both filters are filled with a mixture of foams filter floss, ceramic media and activated carbon. The filters are changed on a regular basis independantly of each other. I carry out a weekly 6 gallon water change using water run through a Nitrate removing cartridge. I use a de-chlorinator and ensure temperature is OK before using.
All nitrate and ammonia levels were OK. My concerns are that when I stripped the external filter I found that the carbon media mesh bag had been dyed red
by the food.

One other factor that makes me suspicious of the food is that my Syno that shares the tank was not affected and showed no signs of distress. He is a bottom feeder and the food is floating sticks!


First, welcome to the forum!!


It sounds like there may be additives in the food that do not agree with your fish. As you said, the Syno was not affected due to not eating it.

The 50% water change was a good idea. When you cleaned your filter did you rinse out the media in old tank water or replace it with new??

The reason I ask is if you changed it for new, then your bacteria colony is gone. This in combination of a 50% water change may cause your tank to have to go thru a mini cycle. If your tank water gets cloudy, it will be nothing to worry about just cut back on feeding for a day or two until it stabalizes.

One more tip......a 10% (6 gallons) water change weekly is not enough for the stocking levels your tank is currently at.

If I am not mistaken...a 240litre tank is roughly 60 gallons. Having 25 fish in a 60 gallon tank really requires a 25-30% change weekly or bi-weekly 15% changes.

If you do them at this rate you may see an improvement in your fishes overall activity and color.

Good luck and keep us posted.


By the way I moved this to the "Tropical Emergencies" forum. It may get a bigger response there.

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