Nippy Tiger Barbs


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
So lets see... we got 6 tiger barbs for our 125gal tank.
Everything was ok at first, but it seems, as they get more comfy in the tank they seem to have taken a liking to nipping at the killifish.
I can't tell if it's all of them that are doing it or only just 1, but it has me worried that one day I'll wake up to find the killifish with no fins.
There's no damage yet, to fins or body, but just afraid as they get bigger, there will be.

We plan on getting some green and maybe albino tiger barbs, but I'm just hesitant b/c well.. I don't want an even larger group of barbs picking on the other fish in the tank.
Would a larger group keep them from nipping at the other fish?
That's the problem with trying to tame nature I guess. We can do all we can to ensure compatibility and a suitable environment, but if nature wants to have it another way, there's bugger all we can do about it.
Ive always found the larger the group of TB, they less nippy they are, my last group of 13 never bothered a single other fish, a group I had a while back also about 13 of them again never had a problem, 6 in a 125g isnt a lot, so you have the room to up their numbers.
*nods* We plan on getting green and albinos once these grow some more.
Will they all school together?
Indeed they will and fight together too :lol: Keep an eye on the golds, Ive always found them to be more sensitive than the greens/striped, dont know why, but I always lose golds easily :(
Just updating.
We got the albinos on Saturday. They are SO pretty, and have taken to the tank very well.
All of the barbs do shoal together which I'm thrilled about, and I haven't noticed them trying to nip at the other fish either.. yay :D

So hilarious though... we also got some clown loaches the same day and put them in the tank as well.
The tigers were trying to school with the loaches, and loaches trying to with the barbs. Was so funny and cute b/c they all looked a bit confused lol :wub:

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