Nippy Neons


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
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glenside, pa
i have four neon tetras, four black neons, and a dwarf gourami in a ten gallon. the black neons look great, but the neons are nipping at one another a lot (though only one another). I don't have room for more right now, but in a month or so i will be getting a 20g and when I transfer them I intend to introduce two more of each type to the tank to even the shoals out at a more appropriate 6 fish. With more space and more fish, do you suppose they will quit squabbling, or am I doomed to have ripped fins forever :X ?
from what i understand, they just need to set up their own internal pecking order among themselves - if it keeps up too long i'd worry - but right now they're just trying to figure out who's in charge

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