i have 6 black widow tetra in my community tank (see signiture for other fish in there)
they've been in there for about 3 weeks now, they vary in size from almst full grown to about 3cm.
they have been fine, but in the last week they seem quite aggressive toward each other, chasing and nipping each others fins, some of them are darker than others (dont know why?). this morning when i got up one of them has a tiny bit of fin missing, looks like its been nipped! it seems alright though. they're also quite aggressive at feeding time and they often are aggressive with the 2 golden zebra loaches in there who are also quite aggressive back toward them. Any ideas??
also one of the larger tetra's who hasnt got much black on it, looks very fat, could it have eggs?
Thanks for reading, any ideas welcome
x x x x x x

i have 6 black widow tetra in my community tank (see signiture for other fish in there)
they've been in there for about 3 weeks now, they vary in size from almst full grown to about 3cm.
they have been fine, but in the last week they seem quite aggressive toward each other, chasing and nipping each others fins, some of them are darker than others (dont know why?). this morning when i got up one of them has a tiny bit of fin missing, looks like its been nipped! it seems alright though. they're also quite aggressive at feeding time and they often are aggressive with the 2 golden zebra loaches in there who are also quite aggressive back toward them. Any ideas??
also one of the larger tetra's who hasnt got much black on it, looks very fat, could it have eggs?
Thanks for reading, any ideas welcome
x x x x x x