Nipping Neons


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2006
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I've got 5 harlequins, 5 Neons, 1 Male Guppy and a Platy. I have noticed that my neons are starting to nip each other and one of them has a frayed top fin (it's not frayed it's like it's been snipped by scissors!), I though it was fin rot, but I don't think it is.

They just dart round the tank nipping, they'll have a go at the harlequins too.

Is there anything that I can do to stop them doing this?? :unsure:

It will happen with neons and is best kept amongst each other, probably just means there isn't 1 dominant figure yet, they will soon fix this. Maybe add a few more if you can 2/3 will probably do, so long as the groups big enough they will probably leave the other fish alone but you may have to keep an eye on the male Guppy incase they target him.
How many gallons is your tank? You also have a long platy and guppy and also a cardinal tetra, which is bad as these are also sociable fish that do best with their own kind around (despite being very common fish though, make sure you research them properly before you get any more), and will show stressed or abnormal/un-natural behaviour if not kept in the appropriate sized groups in the right sized tank, stocking and habitat.
It's a 54 litre tank which I think converts to a 12 gallon tank...

I originally had 3 platies and 2 guppies but they seem to have died off, which I am still trying to find the cause..

I know they need to be kept with their own 'kind' but I don't want to get anymore fish until I'm able to keep them for a while without them dying from this unknown thing!!!

They're not cardinal tetras they're neons, is there a difference I don't know...look the same!

My neons used to nip when i had them in a small tank in a group of 5. Since i got a 50 gallon and moved them into there and boosted numbers to 14 they have been fine. I do see them nipping occasionally but the aggression is spread. Occasionally i notice them with damaged fins but they seem to heal and grow back very quickly.
It's a 54 litre tank which I think converts to a 12 gallon tank...

I originally had 3 platies and 2 guppies but they seem to have died off, which I am still trying to find the cause..

I know they need to be kept with their own 'kind' but I don't want to get anymore fish until I'm able to keep them for a while without them dying from this unknown thing!!!

They're not cardinal tetras they're neons, is there a difference I don't know...look the same!


It says in your profile you both have a cardinal tetra as well as a group of 5 neons. I think it is sensible and responsable to not buy any fish until you have found out what is killing your current ones (what have you done so far about this situation?), but your neons are most likely being agressive towards each other because their group is too small for them. Adding another 2-3 should change things, but how soon you do this depends on what has happened so far in your situation.
Oops sorry my apologies Tokis-Phoenix I really should change it my stock has definately changed recently!!

I seem to have been going on with the thing for sometime now... my fish just died...I have no idea what it is they show no signs at all.. one day fine and the next day gone. I've treated with Melafix and Pimafix just to treat anything that maybe lurking in the fish or in the water but nothing. They still continue to die. :grr:

I wouldn't mind it if they had ich, popeye, or something I can see but whatever this is seems to be a phantom!! :crazy:

I just keep checking on them and seeing if they show any symptoms.

I'll bear in mind adding some more fish, but I want to keep the ones I've got for a while.

Oops sorry my apologies Tokis-Phoenix I really should change it my stock has definately changed recently!!

I seem to have been going on with the thing for sometime now... my fish just died...I have no idea what it is they show no signs at all.. one day fine and the next day gone. I've treated with Melafix and Pimafix just to treat anything that maybe lurking in the fish or in the water but nothing. They still continue to die. :grr:

I wouldn't mind it if they had ich, popeye, or something I can see but whatever this is seems to be a phantom!! :crazy:

I just keep checking on them and seeing if they show any symptoms.

I'll bear in mind adding some more fish, but I want to keep the ones I've got for a while.


Did any of the fish that died or fish that are currently in your tank look a bit skinny/underweight at all or have a sunken looking stomach? Have you tested your water quality for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and ph?

I test the water regularly and all the parameters are fine.

I can't say I ever noticed a sunken stomach but they were definately smaller than the rest, now whether that was the way I bought them or the way they became I can't say, but yes come to think of it they were a little skinnier than the rest.

If it's an internal bacteria, I thought that by treating them with the Pimafix and Melafix I would help them, what are your thoughts??
i have 6 serpae tetras and i also had 3 male guppys the tetras killedthe male guppies the had not fins left when i found them :(

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