Nipped Tail :( What Can I Do For Him?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2007
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Apparently my normally very friendly betta took a disliking to one of my new panda cories and took a bite out of his tail today :(

Is there anything I can do for my cory to help him heal faster or prevent any infection? I gave them a water change an hour or so afterwards to keep things clean for him and obviously the betta is having a VERY close eye on him until we can get him seperated.

Also, after being nipped the panda seems to have stayed by himself a lot. He is never THAT energetic, but now he's just sitting by himself and ignoring the others completely. There are three other pandas and also four jullis, usually all eight of them stay together.
You can use Melafix. Its an all natural stress releiver that lets the fish relax and it repairs nipped fins very fast.

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