'ninja' Shrimp - Caridina Seratirostrs


Constantly learning
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Jul 9, 2009
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Surrey, England
just stumbled across these shrimp and was wondering if anyone had any experience with them? Are their supposed colour changing antics real and do they display this attribute regularly?

I've found them for about £2.50 a shrimp......a fair price?
I keep these and they do change colour though not as often as when I first got them. Easy to keep but they are more shy ans slightly smaller than the other dwarf shrimps so you might not see them too often unless they have their own tank. Can't remember how much I paid for mine. Try ask for a discount for a group of 6-10 ;)

I posted some pictures of them a long time ago and there are quite a few pics in my albums if you are interested :)
We have 6 in our 200L Roma and have seen them a couple of times in 3months, very good at hiding, not noticed any colour change though.

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