Nile Puffer


New Member
Nov 22, 2005
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Hi my puffer is around 7" and has two small extensions that stand up off from her nose. What are these for? do they detect smells etc?

:hi: ! you may find that you will get more replies to such questions on the oddballs section of this forum (think that is where people post about thier puffers!!) hope that helps ya.. well indirectly perhaps!!

good luck, look forward to seeing you around!!

kat :D
Thanks guys


:hi: ! you may find that you will get more replies to such questions on the oddballs section of this forum (think that is where people post about thier puffers!!) hope that helps ya.. well indirectly perhaps!!

good luck, look forward to seeing you around!!

kat :D
Has anyone else had their puff stop eating for like 4 plus weeks? Mine has done this twice and then eats as normal. Dont think its health related.....
The little things that stick up from your fish's snout are called 'nares' and they are indeed sensory organs to do with locating food.

You can see them clearly here on Martha.


As for the intermittant eating, we also find that Martha will eat like a horse for a while, then fast herself for a couple of weeks. It worried the heck out of us when she started doing it at about the size yours is now (Martha's over a foot long now), but it seems to be normal.

Watch for weight loss, but otherwise don't worry too much.
Martha is beautiful!! I love the line pattern down the body. Thanks for the info. I'm glad yuor stopped eating for a while and is ok. I have never noticed any wieght loss but like you it worried us alot when she first stopped eating.

Thanks for all the welcomes. I have been keeping trop fish for 3-4 years but am still learning
Spud, my suvatti puffer, does that too. He'll eat like a pig, and then stop eating for a while. And yes... it worries me a lot too when he does that! He also goes off certain types of food for a while, he will eat mussels for weeks and then suddenly won't touch them anymore and has to have river shrimp.

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