Fish Addict
Well I was off work today, come down sick so had the day off to put my feet up and hopefully fight it off. At about half 2 I decided to feed the fish, here is where the trouble began. I picked up the pot of Ocean Nutrition Marine pellets and how I managed it I dont know but dropped the whole pot into the tank. The pot was full and its only a 2 foot cube!
OH S#!T!
The whole of the subtrate, rock and corals were covered. At first im sure the fish thought it was xmas but soon realised this just wasn't right. I proceeded to syphon as much as I could out. This didn't work so plan 2, I had my holding Vat upstairs ready for the tank change. I started the long process of transferring half the water, the rock, the fish and corals upstairs. My day of rest wasnt going too well at this point. Luckily I had a frsh batch of water made up ready for the coming WC so I used that too. It took me bloody ages to shuffle it all upstairs and as you could imagine my back is feeling it now. I have only just really sat down, moving all the equipment and making sure it was running okay took its time. I then had to construct some kind of frame for the lighting to sit on above the holding tank too, good job I had that ready.
So now I sit here with the cube a 1/4 filled with old cold water, sand and 3/4 of a pot of pellets with my setup upstairs. Thats my day and now I feel even worse for it, dont think Ill be going to work tomorrow.
Just thought I would share my struggle!
Now im feeling sorry for myself.

The whole of the subtrate, rock and corals were covered. At first im sure the fish thought it was xmas but soon realised this just wasn't right. I proceeded to syphon as much as I could out. This didn't work so plan 2, I had my holding Vat upstairs ready for the tank change. I started the long process of transferring half the water, the rock, the fish and corals upstairs. My day of rest wasnt going too well at this point. Luckily I had a frsh batch of water made up ready for the coming WC so I used that too. It took me bloody ages to shuffle it all upstairs and as you could imagine my back is feeling it now. I have only just really sat down, moving all the equipment and making sure it was running okay took its time. I then had to construct some kind of frame for the lighting to sit on above the holding tank too, good job I had that ready.
So now I sit here with the cube a 1/4 filled with old cold water, sand and 3/4 of a pot of pellets with my setup upstairs. Thats my day and now I feel even worse for it, dont think Ill be going to work tomorrow.
Just thought I would share my struggle!
