Nice Suprise In My Tank Today!


Dec 17, 2009
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I decided to hatch a few of the eggs my sterbai corys where leaving all over my tank one week they have been going great for the past 3 months and are pretty big now a couple of weeks after they hatched i noticed one that had hatched in the parent tank swimming about i would never have cought it with all the plants in my tank and wood so i left it and today i saw it sat under a rock its massive now and doing great, i never though it would survive because ive got a male BN swimming about plus 19 other corys and various tetras, its made a home in a rock cave i made for the BN its not started swimming with the other sterbai yet though but its coming out of the cave more often now.

Anybody else ever had cory fry survive in there tank?
i know how to raise them ive got 15 sterbai fry growing in my fry tank ive just never had one survive in a community tank before.
My tanks quite heavily planted so that's probably why, it also has lots of rock nooks and crannys and caves and a large bogwood full of holes.

Does anyone know why this one is probably 3 times the size of the ones in the fry tank? im pretty sure there all from the same batches of eggs that week, im doing twice daily 50% water changes using water from my other cory tank its next to, feeding microworms and everything else the one in my community tank is eating.
well done on the fry! My tank is quite densly planted and i have never had fry survive on thier own.. :sad:

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