Nicaraguensis X Pink Convict Eggs !


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2006
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my nicaraguensis wich was a random single fish i got, has paired with my other random cichlid i got them both from my brother who works in an awautics store, they both spawned and laid eggs, withc were sadly eaten by the huge emerald cichlid i now moved to my larger tank, they are preparing for more eggs.
wenn i get fry il let you all know :)

p.s i have moved some recent freeswimming female jade eye x male sajica cichlid fry into a grow tank :)
I love me some hybrids. Post more details as you find them. I'm excited! THis sounds like it could come up with some beautiful hybrids!
yup :D
the last bunch of eggs were eaten buy a hungry emerald cichlid 7" lol:p
but ive moved him to another tank and the nic + con have shown more egg laying signs and they are begining to repair,

ive also jsut moved my sajica + jadeye cross breeds into a small rearing tank, there are about 120 of them and they are swimming about and eating normaly, there about 1 cm long and are starting to develope colours and look less like fry. this si my first fry raising atempt so im quiet please with the outcome so far.

TA DA ! eggs have been laid :p
the parents are guarding them visciously im glad the male isnt a convict or he would of ripped apart the others:D
there nest site is dangerously close to the con+sajica nest though .
il keep posting about them as time progresses.
the dad refused to fertilise them and didnt cahnge colour or anything and just left the female alone.
but now they are preparing to lay more and the male is changed to breeding colours and digging around, so this next attempt should prove worthwhile :)
the dad refused to fertilise them and didnt cahnge colour or anything and just left the female alone.
but now they are preparing to lay more and the male is changed to breeding colours and digging around, so this next attempt should prove worthwhile :)

Congrats, can't wait for pics :)

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